In the Koto area of Shiga prefecture, where hemp textiles are produced, we have a warping system that can handle high-level textiles with little material loss even in small lots in order to meet the growing needs for advanced and diversified products. It is a small town factory founded in 1990 with the aim of becoming a company specializing in processing (the process of preparing warp threads for textiles).
1973年 滋賀県出身 麻夜具の生産が盛んな街に産まれる。2001年山西整経入社、同年 後におうみの名工となる近江上布 伝統工芸士(総合部門)大西實氏に師事し手織をはじめる。 整経を生業としながら一部麻によるプロダクトを制作、日々仕事を重ねている。
Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1973. Born in a town where the production of Mayor is thriving. Joined Yamanishi Seikei in 2001, and started hand-weaving under the guidance of Mr. Minoru Onishi, a traditional craftsman of Omi Jofu (general division) who became a master craftsman of Oumi the same year. While making a living in warping, he produces some hemp products and works every day.