Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1973. Born in a town where the production of Mayor is thriving. Joined Yamanishi Seikei in 2001, and started hand-weaving under the guidance of Mr. Minoru Onishi, a traditional craftsman of Omi Jofu (general division) who became a master craftsman of Oumi the same year. In 2009, at JFW JAPAN CREATION A / W TEXTILE CONTEST, he announced the arc-shaped warp woven fabric "Circle" and won the Grand Prix (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award). In 2016, after being examined by Ryuichi Kawamura and Fumiko Nonomura, he was certified as a traditional craftsman of Omi Jofu (weaving department). Selected as a master of Shiga at the LEXUS NEW TAKUMI PROJECT led by the 2017 Japan Academy Prize-winning artist Kundō Koyama.
Currently, while making a living in warping, he produces some hemp products and works every day.